if you want to PHP and JSON Unserialization Online
Example Json String :
'State':'uttar pradesh',
'State':'uttar pradesh',
'State':'uttar pradesh',
# Exit is language Construct so you can use without parenthesis
# print_r for debugging means printing in a Formatted way
# vardump : Used to Perform Postmartum of a variable : Datatype and Its value with no. of character in its data value but thing is it should be string type
# var_dump can be used to print boolean false which echo, print,print_r no one can be print
# var_dump is not a language construct: parenthesis are mendatory
# var_dump: can be used to print objects
# difference B/w var_dump and var_export
# var_export is same as var_dump but in print outs the output in a structure Manner or valid php code
Developers Approach
How to validate Json_string http://jsonviewer.stack.hu/ Paste the code and Try to parse if any error it will tell.
In Json Viewer ..Iterable
if you to try to use free api : https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/
Here You are find more 6 common resources free api for testing purpose :
JSON Placeholder comes with a set of 6 common resources: