Static Web Page

In static web page content can not be changed after running the script. In static web page You can not change anything on the page. It is predefined.

Static web page content load takes less time.

Dynamic Web Page

A dynamic webpage uses Server Technologies [ Like as PHP ,Python , Java ( All the Technology is Server Side Scriptiing Language ) ] . In Dynamic web page You can change anything on the page. 

While the content load in a dynamic web page takes longer than a static web page.

Explain the Main Difference Between  Static Website and Dynamic Website

The 6 More Diffrence Between Static Website & Dynamic Website.

Static Website

A Static Website is No uses to Server. Static Website is uses Client  Side Scriptiing Language [ Such as : HTML , CSS , JAVASCRIPT  ] . In Static website You can't change anything on the Webpage. 

Dynamic Website

A dynamic website is uses to Server ( Such As  Server: Apache , Database : Mysqli ) and is also uses for Server Technology  [ Like as PHP ,Python , Java ,ASP.NET  ]  All the Technology is Server Side Scriptiing Language.  In Dynamic website You can change anything on the webpage. 

Types of Websites Static and Dynamic

There is Only One Types of Static Website

1. ) Presentation 

Static Website is Used For Only Presentation & Advertisements, It is used where there is no need to change the content .

There is  Only One Types of Dyanamic Website

2.) Data Management

Dyanamic Website is Used For Only Data Management , It is used where there is need to change the content in any Time.

Example of Dynamic Websites : 

Amazon - Online Shopping 

Flipkart - Online Shopping 

IRCTC - Indian Railways that provides ticketing, catering, and tourism services to the Indian Railways

Banking Web Application