Json Encode & Decode Any Object


//Json Encode Any Object --->Json Object


//Example : [10,20,30] --->[10,20,30]

//          array(10,20,30) ---->[10,20,30]

//PHP ASSOCIATIVE : Key and values ---> JSON_Object

//MULTI_DEMENSIONAL Array  --->Array_Objects


//student - 1






//student - 2







echo "<pre>";


echo "</pre>";

echo "<hr/>";

//Encode the data Json



echo $json;

echo "<hr/>";

echo getType($json);

echo "<hr/>";

echo $json->name; #Not Possible

#Notice: Trying to get property 'name' of non-object in

#We need to Decode : Desialiazation (JSON OBJECT-->PHP OBJECT)


echo "<hr/>";

echo getType($student_obj);

echo "<hr/>";

$student = $student_obj->student;

echo getType($student);

echo "<hr/>";


echo "<hr/>";

$name = $object->name;

$class = $object->class;

$status = $object->passed;

echo "<hr/>";

echo "Student name :{$name} <br/>";

echo "Student class :{$class} <br/>";

echo "Student status :{$status} <br/>";